Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The fantastic four are ready to storm Guatemala!!

So this otherwise uneventful day found a way to redeem itself by bringing us our fourth and final piece of the puzzle. Alexey arrived around 4:30PM and is a healthy boy (picture attached)..

His arrival really came at a great time since we were so busy doing nothing! In fact, this island is so, but so relaxing and laid back that we had no other choice last night than to go to sleep early. To put things in perspective, picture this: Greg and I woke up and were having breakfast and walking the beach at 6:30AM!!!! Anyways, the day was not that great since we had some storm coming.. here is a pic of how bad it gets when it rains.

We hope to have more stories tomorrow since from the looks of it, we'll try to cross into Guatemala tomorrow. Wish us luck in recovering Rosinante at Dennis "the taxi driver"'s house in Belize City.


Anonymous said...

That picture reminds me of a poem by Pablo Neruda called, "The Wind on the Island."


El viento es un caballo:
óyelo cómo corre
por el mar, por el cielo.

Quiere llevarme: escucha
cómo recorre el mundo
para llevarme lejos.

Escóndeme en tus brazos
por esta noche sola,
mientras la lluvia rompe
contra el mar y la tierra
su boca innumerable.

Escucha como el viento
me llama galopando
para llevarme lejos.

Con tu frente en mi frente,
con tu boca en mi boca,
atados nuestros cuerpos
al amor que nos quema,
deja que el viento pase
sin que pueda llevarme.

Deja que el viento corra
coronado de espuma,
que me llame y me busque
galopando en la sombra,
mientras yo, sumergido
bajo tus grandes ojos,
por esta noche sola
descansaré, amor mío.

Anonymous said...

Sra. Landivar,

A pesar de que me gusta mucho Pablo Neruda no recuerdo El Viento en la Isla...muy bello, gracias por compartirlo.

Para mis viajeros, un extracto de uno de sus poemas mas famosos y uno de mis favoritos, de su libro 20 poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada...el poema 20

Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche.
Pensar que no la tengo. Sentir que la he perdido.

Oir la noche inmensa, más inmensa sin ella.
Y el verso cae al alma como al pasto el rocío.

Qué importa que mi amor no pudiera guardarla.
La noche esta estrellada y ella no está conmigo.

Eso es todo. A lo lejos alguien canta. A lo lejos.
Mi alma no se contenta con haberla perdido.

Como para acercarla mi mirada la busca.
Mi corazón la busca, y ella no está conmigo.

Anonymous said...

Mama Julissa, it's beautiful. Sad, but beautiful. El otro di'a, descubri' que me gusta Neruda ma's que nunca. Co'mo cambia la vida, and co'mo nosotros cambiamos ta'mbien!

(I made an effort to put in accents!)

Anonymous said...

Since we are no longer commenting in English, I wrote a poem too:

Boston Wciąga

That is Polish for Boston sucks, in what I like to call an unstructured Haiku.

I've got be honest, I have a bad feeling that this is going to be changed to the Central American Equivilant of a Greyhound Bus Diaries once you four go looking for the car. Or maybe The Burned-out Frame of a Volkswagen Golf Diaries.

Jared has a girlfriend?!?!?!? I always thought he and my brother had an, "If this things grabs a hold of us in the wrong place...we're dead!" thing going on.

Anonymous said...

Nice poems ladies. I have decided to join the poetry club and have composed a pseudo-haiku in honor of our boys down south:

muchachos locos
recorriendo el mundo
alejense chicas!

Be it known that haikus are VERY hard to write in spanish because of the ridiculous number of syllables per word that these people insist on using to express themselves. So this poem is in the spirit of a haiku although use of the spanish language did not allow me to meet the full standard.

FYI, I don't expect to see as many new entries now that Alexey is there... things should be fully out of control now that he is in the mix :) Just be sure to catch some pics of the glory moments.

lapa said...

uh...hello, are you still chasing down your little burro of a car...'cause we really could use some new posts, please, pretty please?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard anything from any of the Fantastic Four since this posting?